Michael Kviums ‘Naturkreds’, painted in 1992 a period where “wild paitings” had its period. Usually paitings were more abstract in this period. But Kvium made paintings where the figures were drawn figuratively but very bizzare. I chose Kvium because i’ve been exposed to his paitings a lot during my life, and i’ve honesly always hated them due to their bizarre feel. It isn’t something i would have hanging on my walls. But they’re still intriguing in their own sense. I wanted to stray away from his dark style, and make one of his paintings do something silly, so i stumled across ‘Naturkreds” and thought it was made for breakdancing. I didn’t make a storyboard, because i didn’t think it fit the nature of breakdancing as it is more ‘freestyle’ so i wanted to go along with the movements and progress from that. I’ve used a few techniques like exaggeration and timing to get it to fit with the music. Other than that i used a lot of time to get the movement somewhat realistic, even though i found that very hard.