We were tasked with redesigning a website of our choice. Our groups were preassigned to us and constructed with our personality types in mind. We chose www.perscykler.dk as the site we wanted to redesign due to its lacking design. We had a lot of possible changes to make to the site.
We were introduced to different methods and models to help us during the project. Principles of heuristic, user tests, ways of structuring our work ethic and work in general. We kept a focus on design thinking, but the concept was new to us, and I felt that we could’ve used design thinking more than we did.
We designed different style tiles after we did our research of our target group, and had our teacher give us feedback and accept our final style tile. The image above is our final version, which we made after getting feedback from our teacher. We then moved on to wireframing, before we created our final mockup for our redesign. We didn’t actually code or set up a website, but we made a mockup to show what the site could look like.
We ended up making a new logo, completely changed up the hierarchy of the site and strayed away from the previous one-page design. We tried to freshen up the website with a new orange color, where green was the main color before. And tried to make the site a bit more appealing to the young segment.
Most of the time spent in the first few days was spent on planning, scrum and Trello boards to get a foundation for our project. This worked out well, but it’s hard to figure out the line were too much time is spent on planning and not working and vice versa. We felt a bit rushed in the creation process, due to lack of time and used to last few days to plan our presentation.
In the end I enjoyed the experience and learned a lot about the process of design thinking and what it’s like to work with a group in a multimedia project.