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Prototyping – GroupUp

In this project we were paired up in a group of 4-5 people, and the goal was to create 3 iterations of a dating app. The idea was then to test the prototype by getting a testperson to run through the prototype, then using the newly gathered data to improve on the next iteration. Unfortunately i wasn’t able to attend during the first 2 iterations due to COVID-19. Luckily i had a good group who helped me jump into the prototype midways, informing me of their thoughts and feedback they recieved.
We went with the idea of an app where groups can meet other groups, with they younger segment as our target group (18-25 years). What and who the group is made of, is up to the user. But the general idea is to match friend groups.

The 3 iterations are shown below, with thoughts and feedback we received.

Prototype 1

User-test results

1. Does the product fit the target group?
– Right now it’s hard to tell due to it only being made up of wireframes, but i think the idea itself is very relevant in a society where most young people have a phone. But also because young people find it hard to connect with other people, compared to before social media took over.

2. Is the content intuitive?
Not at the moment. It’s hard to understand what’s going on since there’s no colors or any visual devisions. Our test persons had a hard time figuring out what the purpose of the individual sites were.

3. Is the product structured in a user-friendly way?
– The dashboard looks good, but people with less knowledge of technology might find it hard to navigate through the different sites and groups.

4. What worked out good on the iteration?
– The idea itself is good, and the user is able to understand the general idea of the app. But it’s hard to tell this early in the prototype.

5. What could’ve been better?
– Make the group site/’udforsk’ more understandable, and more visual.

Prototype 2

User-test results

1. Does the product fit the target group?
– It’s starting to look like something the younger segment could make out is a dating app, it might take someone with a bit of tech experience to figure out that it’s a group dating app. The colors stray away from the typical red colors used in dating apps, and hopefully makes it clear that it’s not a romantic dating app.

2. Is the content intuitive?
As colors were added and some minor changes to the desing, it’s definitely more intuitive.

3. Is the product structured in a user-friendly way?
– The newly added colors and design choices makes it easier to understand what the different buttons and sections are supposed to do.

4. What worked out good on the iteration?
– The dashboard is still good looking, and the colors and design added a lot to the iteration.

5. What could’ve been better?
– Photos and text on different elements is still missing, also an easy way to know if you have a new message.

Prototype 3

User-test results

1. Does the product fit the target group?
– Not much has changed regarding how well the product fits the target group, besides a QR code and some pictures to get it to feel more real.

2. Is the content intuitive?
I think its a bit more intuitive, but there’s still so much that can be done.

3. Is the product structured in a user-friendly way?
– A few functions are a bit more userfriendly and desiged better. e.g. the ‘Deltag i gruppe’ site.

4. What worked out good on the iteration?
– Having photos for all sites, and some extra features like the QR code and the ability to join a group.

5. What could’ve been better?
– A lot, e.g. being able to type in the different text inputs. A better notification system, and overall smaller changes to make the iteration more streamlined. But considering the time it’s a good take on a prototype.