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Studiemakker på tværs

‘Studiemakker på tværs’ is a group consisting of people from different semesters of our education. The idea is to share information and tips about the education, but in a sense that both the 1. semester students get at good start, but also for the 3. semester students to reflect and learn from us.

1. Semester

1. meeting

During the first meeting i unfortunately caught covid, so i wasn’t able to attend. I was told i missed pizza, beers and the chance to meet my group. But i didn’t miss much fortunately.

2. meeting

All groups met up in a classroom, where we later split up into our smaller ‘Studiemakker på tværs’ groups, where we discussed everything from group culture to study techniques. I had a lot of questions about the bigger projects, and wanted to know what they did wrong, and what they did right. We were told to keep track of our process portfolio, and keep it updated during our projects, instead of doing it in the last minute. We also asked a couple of questions about our first project as we were in the middle of it. Maria told us some good tips about the presentation part of the project, that we had to keep an open body language, and keep the presentation based on illustations and pictures instead of text.

3. meeting

Our group decided to meet online and touch up on a few thing before we start our second project. We briefly spoke about how we were doing both socially and school-wise. Afterwards we spoke about the project itself and decided to foucus on that. As we didn’t want to focus too much on our exams, before we got closer to our exams. We shared our process portfolios so us newer students can get an insight in upcoming projects. We also spoke about what information and content we needed to include in our portfolios. One thing i took note of was the fact that other students had failed their exams due to not including a reflection in their portfolio posts. I haven’t added any reflections so far, so that is definitely something i’ll touch up on.

3. Semester

Being in the third semester, we now had the role of guiding the 1. semester students. We were guided on how and what to discuss during the meetings, but there wasn’t any limits or restrictions. It was up to the group to use the meetings in meaningful way.

1. meeting

The first meeting was managed by our lectors, where they introduced themselves across semesters. And we also had the chance to introduce ourselves. After the introductions our lectors presented how the “studie makker på tværs” concept works, and the in and outs. And in the last half we had the chance to give our group tips and tricks on the more practical side of the education. We gave tips about when to write the process portfolio, how to balance study life and your private life. The 1. semester students had a few questions that we tried to answer as best a possible.

2. meeting

I had a shift at my work at date that fit the others from the group the best, so i unfortunately didn’t get to go out with the group. My group met at Storms Parkus and ate together, they then went out for some beers. This meeting was focused on getting to know eachother outside of the education environment. From what i heard, they enjoyed the evening and got to know eachother better.

3. meeting

In the third meeting the 1. semester students were busy with their second project, and we looked at their current progress and gave the feedback and tips on what to prepare for, and talked shortly about exam anxiety. The 1. semester students had various questions regarding project mangement, methods and the academic report structure.

4. meeting

In the fourth meeting we spoke mostly about their exams and a lot of coding questions. Luckily we had Christian to answer all the advanced questions, but most questions were about requirements and the use of AI for coding. We also talked methods and what to do different from the last project. This session was mostly about exams, and how the practical parts of the exam worked such as; what questions to prepare for, what methods are essential to know in and out, and how to prepare for the exam by e.g. training flashcards.
We also discussed their first semester, and talked about what worked and what didn’t during the semester.